Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Project #2: Nanimo Bars

Duvall has two grocery stores: Safeway and Family Grocer.  Safeway is cheaper but Family Grocer has better snacks: Ritter Sport, Ice Cubes (foil wrapped chocolates), pumpkin seeds, Bottle caps and Nanaimo bars.  The Nanimo bar comes on a Styrofoam tray covered in cellophane, like meat.  I thought I was the only person in town that bought them but my friend Kimmy (maybe a size zero and a personal trainer-I would hate her if she weren’t so nice) was saying that she and her husband split them. Them? She explained she split them down the scored line in the top chocolate layer.  I explained to her that the line was purely decorative and she should buy two.

Kimmy’s husband had surgery Monday and I had good intentions of making him Nanaimo bars.  I worked Monday (cute 3rd grade class) and yesterday took a road trip over the mountains for apples, onion rings and a milk shake in my old college town.  So, today after a huge meltdown, a call to my mom, a trip to my friend’s who was watching 5 two year olds and a stop by Safeway for real cream I buckled down to make Nanimo bars.

This did not go without incident.  As I was making layer one (of three) in my make shift double boiler- a bowl and a pot- I tasted the concoction.  It was bitter; only ¼ cup sugar.  I added more.  Then while making layer two I realized I used a 9X13 instead of an 8X8.  I adjusted layers two and three to be thicker so layer one is a little thin.  The sweetness of layer two counters the semi-sweet other layers and I am going to go take a picture and deliver Nanaimo bars- without a decorative line!


julie said...

Ok, my husband loves nanaimo bars and Ritter sport bars. Question... Do they sell coconut ritters at Family Grocer?

Regina aka Wife Of Job said...

Julie- I will check this morning and let you know!

Regina aka Wife Of Job said...

no coconut Ritter Sports but they do have the new strawberry one and the yogurt!