Saturday, July 19, 2008

Not Another Broken Toe

Last year Job and I were asked to help our close friends chaperone a three day backpack trip with a large group of teenage girls for their"fourth year hike." I filtered water, ate re-hydrated food, and yes, pooped in the sand. Job Broke his big toe. Did I mention it rained two of three days. Well, this year, I was asked to go with the main group of girls (1st, 2nd, and 3rd year campers) to a week long camp with real showers, cabins, a lake, a cook, and so on. They asked if I would be in charge of crafts. So, you may not have guessed it but yes, I am a little crafty. All I would have to do is craft for three hours a day with 115 teenage girls. I THINK I AM NUTS. After several weeks of preparing for crafts, shopping, and sorting I am down to just two days before I leave and I am convinced that the girls are going to hate the crafts I chose. Either way I'll only be crafting for three hours a day. The rest of the time if they need me they'd better go look at the lake for the woman in the paddle boat with a good book and even though I thought a week free of testosterone would be a good idea, I'm going to miss the boys and Job.

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